Nov 30, 2016

What's Happening with Retirement

What's Happening with Retirement

' the active workforce CSRS people are seen as kind of a favored sub-category, with a civil service annuity formula producing a benefit roughly double what FERS people earn, for the same years of service and the same high-3 salary level. (The Social Security component of FERS and the employer contributions to the TSP there were designed to make up the difference. Whether they do is another question, one that you can get answered by asking any FERS person whether he or she would rather have CSRS.)...'

Tags: CSRS vs FERS, Social Security, TSP, Federal Retirement,

Nov 7, 2016

The Clintons think of us as the help: 'to the Clintons, we are all valets...'

Carr: Nation fails its moral exam

'...From WikiLeaks, we know the disdain they have for “medieval” Catholics and “needy Latinos.” We’ve long understood the Clintons’ breathtaking contempt for “the help” — Secret Service agents, the military, basically anyone in uniform. Now we’re discovering the Clintons’ supposed acolytes feel the same way about their masters. They say no man is a hero to his valet, and to the Clintons, we are all valets...'


Cybersecurity threat to Election Day is slim, experts say

Cybersecurity threat to Election Day is slim, experts say

'...Cyber security experts say the threat to Tuesday's election by some malign state actor or rogue hacker changing the actual vote count is probably slim, given that the U.S. voting system is fragmented and decentralized. The state by state, district by district and polling place by polling place network provides an inherent safeguard – one that is augmented by the fact that widely used electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet...'
