Jan 27, 2019

Government shutdown cost $6 billion, more than President Trump wanted to fund border wall

Government shutdown cost $6 billion, more than President Trump wanted to fund border wall

'...Standard & Poor’s analyzed the cost of the partial government shutdown on the United States economy and found it added up to at least $6 billion...'

Reference: fox8.com
Tags: Shutdown 2018, Shutdown 2019, Border Wall, Illegal Immigration,

Jan 22, 2019

Wife of unpaid federal employee wins $100,000 on lottery

Wife of unpaid federal employee wins $100,000 on lottery

'...Along with the $100,000, Walls -- who lives in Ashburn, a suburban town near Washington -- also bagged a Ford Expedition SUV. Around 800,000 federal employees have been...'

Reference: www.yahoo.com

Jan 4, 2019

Shutdown: Why Are Federal Workers Punished So Illegals Can Enter The U.S.?

Dems unprepared for a partial government shutdown that lasts for months and months

'...In other words, a prime segment of the Democrats' coalition is in a financial hole that gets deeper and deeper with each passing day – all because Nancy Pelosi says a border wall is "immoral," a nonsense proposition that only sycophants can mouth without inner doubts. The position that not even a dollar should be spent on a border wall is not viable, which means that a compromise on calling it a "slatted fence" or "border protection" or some other euphemism is going to get more attractive to the federal employees and to the political bosses...'

Tags: Illegal Immigration, Border Wall, Shutdown 2018, Shutdown 2019, destruction of the middle class,