Sep 14, 2020

The 2021 stealth pay raise for feds

The 2021 stealth pay raise for feds

'...Normally this time of year, the issue of a federal pay raise in the following January is sort of a big deal. In a presidential year Democrats would often be pushing it big time while even conservative Republicans might look the other way or even join in to okay it...'

Tags: Federal Employee 2021 Pay Raise

Racist, anti-white training under the guise of diversity training to be halted

President cracks down on federal govt training sessions that demonize white people

'...The White House directive was drafted in response to reports that mandatory trainings told employees in executive agencies that "virtually all white people contribute to racism," that racism is "embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job," or forced them to admit they "benefit from racism."...'

Tags: Racist Anti-White Training, Anti-American Propaganda Training