Nov 7, 2016

Cybersecurity threat to Election Day is slim, experts say

Cybersecurity threat to Election Day is slim, experts say

'...Cyber security experts say the threat to Tuesday's election by some malign state actor or rogue hacker changing the actual vote count is probably slim, given that the U.S. voting system is fragmented and decentralized. The state by state, district by district and polling place by polling place network provides an inherent safeguard – one that is augmented by the fact that widely used electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet...'


Oct 17, 2016

A riigged political system and more proof of biased media as the administration attempts to hide Wikileaks damaging leaks

Unethical Media Colluding With Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign

'... Another email reveals more media collusion with Clinton campaign...As the 2016 Presidential election comes less than one month a way, new information shows that major members of the media are or have apparently colluded to help the political campaign of Hillary Clinton. Normally, the way this is should work is the media is supposed to act as an ethical, independent, watchdog to help keep government honest and transparent when there is a lack of such...

Tags: Rigged Political System, Biased Media,