May 24, 2024

Everybody's worse off in America under Joe Biden, unless you're an illegal alien | The Democrats Open Border Policy,

Rep. Good to Newsmax: Biden's Open Border Doing Irreparable Harm

'...unlike President Trump, who obviously gave us a secure border and his policies were working, Joe Biden wants to give and is giving free healthcare, free travel, free housing, free education, free social services you name it to these illegal aliens. He has done irreparable harm to the country."...Everybody's worse off in the country under Joe Biden, unless you're an illegal alien and you're here because of Joe Biden's border invasion," Good said. "If we secure the border even today, only time will tell who Joe Biden has let into this country and the harm that they will perpetrate on the American people. "It's unconscionable how a president would intentionally do so much harm to his own country to the United States."'

Tags: Biden Open Border Policy,Chuck Schumers Insistence on Open U.S. Border, Promoters of Division and America Hate,

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