Jun 17, 2024

Why Biden's Staff Might Be Supremely Irritated With Obama Right Now

Why Biden's Staff Might Be Supremely Irritated With Obama Right Now

'...thanks to former President Barack Obama lending a hand. Yet, the clip going viral about this event isn’t about anything either man said, but the closing moment here where Joe Biden might be aloof again. Obama must carry him off stage, holding his hand:...“Biden is senile and decrepit but not sure Obama needed to lead him away,” wrote Hume on Twitter. “Biden had been applauding moments earlier and then stood there absorbing the applause for a bit when Obama reached out and grabbed his wrist. I bet White House staff is annoyed with Obama.” Then again, maybe Biden did short-circuit again. Who knows, but we can expect these moments to come a dozen at a time as the summer continues.'

Reference: townhall.com
Tags: Obama Thinks He Can Be President Forever (Destruction of Democracy), The Dictator Behind the Scenes (Obama),

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