Jul 27, 2024

Here's Another Kamala Clip That She Hopes Voters Never See

Here's Another Kamala Clip That She Hopes Voters Never See

'...The bad news for Kamala Harris is that she's a cringe factory and radical leftist who has said many things on camera that are far out of step with the mainstream American electorate. The good news for Kamala Harris is that her supporters, including media outlets, are frantically re-writing history and quite literally deleting the internet in order to mitigate and disappear those vulnerabilities. They're going to have a lot more scrubbing to do. For example, this is quite an inconvenient clip for her, in light of one of the newly-emerging byproducts of her abject failures as Border Czar (and yes, that's what she is)...'

Reference: townhall.com
Tags: Leftist Media is Scrubbing and Altering Articles and Videos That Show the True Kamala Harris As The Extremist She Is,

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