Showing posts with label Biden/Harris Border Legacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden/Harris Border Legacy. Show all posts

Sep 5, 2024

Biden-Harris migrant crisis invisible to most New Yorkers | “Asylum seeking” criminals are clogging the city’s courts

Don’t be gaslighted, New York: Migrant crime is real

'...One grim impact of the Biden-Harris migrant crisis was invisible to most New Yorkers until Tuesday’s Post exclusive blew it wide open: “Asylum seeking” criminals are clogging the city’s courts.

Adding insult to injury, Mayor Eric Adams admits that criminal charges won’t get you kicked out of a city shelter.

Blame the prez and veep for waving in millions of illegal migrants who can’t work legally, but also blame the city’s sanctuary-city lunacy and the state’s perp-friendly laws.

Gotham doesn’t even track the citizenship status of accused criminals...'

Tags: Failed Cities Caused by Failed Border Czar Kamala Harris, Crime, Mayor Eric Adams Has Failed NYC,

Jun 5, 2024

Cartel Joe's Border Order Guarantees Steady Flow Of Illegals And Faster Amnesty Processing

Biden Executive Order by the Numbers: 1 Migrant for Every 2 American Births

'...President Joe Biden’s executive order ensures one migrant can cross the United States-Mexico border for every two American births. ...The order permits thousands of migrants to cross the southern border between Ports of Entry and still claim asylum until a threshold of about 17,500 migrants over a week is met. ...'

Tags: Biden Foreign Invasion Program,

Jan 27, 2024

'Imminent' Terror Threat Due to Border Crisis, Warns Former FBI Top Brass

Former FBI Top Brass Warn Congressional Leaders of 'Imminent' Terror Threat Due to Border Crisis

'...An alarming letter dated January 17th, 2024, was drafted by 10 former FBI executives that warned of an imminent but preventable terrorist threat to the United States perpetrated by hostile individuals who entered the country illegally through the southern border. The letter, which was sent to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Speaker Mike Johnson, and the Chairs of both the House and Senate committees for Intelligence and Homeland Security, warns that the policies of President Joe Biden have enabled a "soft invasion" of military-aged men from several hostile nations with terror-linked groups. ...'

Tags: Biden Legacy,Attacks at Biden Open Border,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Border Czar Kamala Harris,Impeach Mayorkas,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Southern Border,FBI Warning,

Jan 24, 2024

CLOSE THE BORDER NOW! Migrant families set up camp in Boston airport as Bay State overwhelmed by arrivals: ‘We need DC to act’

CLOSE THE BORDER NOW! Migrant families set up camp in Boston airport as Bay State overwhelmed by arrivals: ‘We need DC to act’

'...sleeping on cots on the ground at Logan International Airport’s international terminal in scenes eerily similar to those at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. ...Massachusetts State Police officers are being paid overtime to patrol the area, Gov. Maura Healey said Monday — blaming the Biden administration for the mess. “We need DC to act. We need Congress to act...'


Jan 19, 2024

Past/Future President Trump Fighting Hard to Stem flow of illegals While Haley Struggles to Surpass Popular Ron DeSantis for #2

McConnell, Senate Team Clash With Trump on Border Bill

'...Trump Thursday night spoke out against the potential Senate border deal, which is still emerging, in a post on his Truth Social page. "I do not think we should do a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING needed to shut down the INVASION of Millions & Millions of people, many from parts unknown, into our once great, but soon to be great again, Country!” the GOP primary frontrunner posted. ...Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., a close Trump ally, predicted that even if the Senate passes a compromise deal, the measure will fail in the House.'

Tags: Foreign Invasion of U.S. Southern Border,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Border Czar Kamala Harris,Failed Border Policies by Democrats,Destruction of America,

Jan 10, 2024

NYC minority school students kicked out of school to shelter illegals

NYC high school students forced into remote learning as 2,000 migrants sheltered in school instead

'...students will have to pivot to remote learning due to the disruption it is causing – sparking outrage from residents and local politicians. New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ office said it is moving 1,900 migrants...'


Jan 5, 2024

DOJ's Immigration Suit Against Texas Is 'Unreasonable'

DOJ's Immigration Suit Against Texas Is 'Unreasonable'

'Paxton criticized the Department of Justice on Newsmax for filing a lawsuit over a new law that allows state and local law enforcement to arrest people they believe are in Texas illegally. "It's pretty unreasonable..."We have had three years of the Biden administration dismantling federal law and not [only] not enforcing it, but actually encouraging the cartels to bring as many people as possible to the border. ...'

Tags: Department of Justice (DOJ),Government Corruption,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Biden Open Border Policy,

Dec 7, 2023

Biden given ultimatum on Ukraine aid: no extra cash for Ukraine WITHOUT border security

Any national security package has to begin with the security of our own borders

'Any national security package has to begin with the security of our own borders,' the speaker insisted in a news conference on Capitol Hill...Ukraine funding is dependent upon enactment of transformative change to our nation's border security laws,' Johnson wrote in a letter to the White House...'

Tags: Foreign Invasion of U.S. Southern Border,Biden Legacy,Biden Open Border Policy,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Impeach Mayorkas,

Dec 6, 2023

Huge group of well-dressed CHINESE illegals crossing border from Mexico into California

Huge group of well-dressed CHINESE migrants with smart luggage wait to be processed after illegally crossing border from Mexico into California

'...'It is extraordinarily dangerous because, first of all, as you point out, we have people from China coming here.

'We also have people on the known terrorist watch list who are coming across the border. And so there's extraordinary dangers, calls to our country by Biden's open border policies,' Abbott told Fox News on Sunday.

'And obviously, Biden is doing nothing about it. And that's why Texas has to step up and apprehend as many of these people as possible to make sure that they're not posing a threat to our country,' he added.

'But this is a very serious existential threat to our country caused by Joe Biden. And that's exactly why Texas is taking extraordinary steps to try to crack down on it.'...'

Tags: Crime and Violence Under Biden Border Policies,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders (2023),Terrorist,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Destruction of America,

Dec 2, 2023

Biden Driven Courts Continue to Force an Open U.S. Border

US Appeals Court Says Texas Must Remove Rio Grande Buoys

'...A federal appeals court ruled Friday that Texas must take down its buoy barrier on the border with Mexico in the Rio Grande, citing threats to navigation and human life. ...'

Tags: America vs. Biden Administration, Forcing an Open Border (Biden), Anti-America Biden Administration,

Oct 31, 2023

Biden Admin Will Cause a Government Shutdown by Insisting on Funding to Speed Illegals Entering Thru Borders

House Democrats urge Senate to advance Biden border security request

'The $13.6 billion request would go toward hiring... 1,600 asylum officers to address "the significant backlog straining our immigration courts that has severely delayed resolutions," the letter states. The request also includes $1.4 billion to go toward the Shelter and Services Program, which reimburses local governments and nonprofit organizations that provide resources to released immigrants. ...'

Tags: Biden Legacy,Border Funding to Speed Illegal Entry to U.S.,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,

Oct 29, 2023

270,000 illegals tried to cross into US over southern border in September—highest number ever

270,000 migrants tried to cross into US over southern border in September—highest number ever

'...More encounters were recorded on the United States’ southern border in the 2023 fiscal year than any other since the government began collecting those records in 1960, shocking new data showed. ...“These are individuals whose identities & purpose we do not know. That is why you need every Border Patrol agent to be in the field and on patrol'

Tags: “These are individuals whose identities & purpose we do not know. That is why you need every Border Patrol agent to be in the field and on patrol

Oct 22, 2023

Biden Admin Reports Over 3 Million Illegal Aliens on America’s Borders in Single Year

Biden Admin Reports Over 3 Million Illegal Aliens on America’s Borders in Single Year

'...For the first time ever, U.S. border agents encountered over 3.2 million illegal aliens on America’s borders in a single fiscal year, a number that is greater than the combined population of Hawaii, Alaska, and Vermont. ...'


Oct 17, 2023

DeSantis Draws Red Line on Gaza Refugees, GOP Field Follows Suit

DeSantis Draws Red Line on Gaza Refugees, GOP Field Follows Suit

'Just three days: That’s how long it took for Republicans to adopt a new orthodoxy on how the Biden administration should respond to Palestinian refugees fleeing the violence in Gaza. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis went first. “I don’t know what Biden’s going to do, but we cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees,” DeSantis said in Iowa on Saturday, establishing a red line that the other frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination would soon adopt. ...'

Tags: Gaza Refugees vs. U.S. Protection, Close Our Borders Now,

Oct 16, 2023

Biden Admins Dangerous Open Borders | 70,000+ 'special interest aliens' have attempted to enter the US during past two years

70,000+ 'special interest aliens' have attempted to enter the US during past two years

'They included citizens from state sponsors of terrorism such as Iran and Syria...worries about the threat of terrorists sneaking into the country. In all, more than 70,000 migrants have been picked up from countries of particular concern, according to leaked Custom and Border Protection data. They include 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan, where the Taliban took control in 2021 after a 20-year war, 659 people from Iran, which backs the terrorist group Hamas, and Syria, which is designated as a state sponsor of terrorism. ...'

Tags: Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders and States,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Southern Border Caused by Harris and Biden,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,

Sep 2, 2023

Biden’s big lie about the border exposed

Biden’s big lie about the border exposed

'...But this week’s howler was a much more consequential lie. When asked about congressional concerns about the border crisis, she said, “The president has done more to secure the border, to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. He really has.” You might dismiss this as a laughable but harmless fairy tale, like Biden’s supposedly boundless energy, but it has real policy consequences. ...'

Tags: Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders and States,Biden Legacy,Poor leadership examples,

Aug 27, 2023

Biden DOJ Insist on Helping Foreign Invasion of U.S.

U.S. Justice Department argues for removal of Texas’ floating border barrier in federal court

'...In a court hearing over the barrier near Eagle Pass, the U.S. Justice Department argued it was installed without federal authorization, while lawyers for the state said it notified the proper authorities....'

Tags: Treason,Department of Justice (DOJ),Illegal Immigration,Border Protection Destruction Under Biden Admin,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Root Cause of Border Invasion is the Biden Admin,

Apr 2, 2023

Biden Homeland Security adjusts policy to accept reported gender identity on immigration benefits applications

Biden Homeland Security adjusts policy to accept reported gender identity on immigration benefits applications

'US Citizenship and Immigration Services' new policy says immigrants can select a gender marker that does not match supporting documentation...'

Tags: Illegal Immigration,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders and States,Department of Homeland Security,US Citizenship and Immigration Services,Biden Legacy,Biden/Harris Border Legacy,

Mar 21, 2023

Border agents arrest 16 people on FBI’s terror watchlist at Mexico crossing

Border agents arrest 16 people on FBI’s terror watchlist at Mexico crossing

'Nearly 70 non-US citizens on the FBI’s terror watch list have been caught trying to illegally cross the country’s southern border since October. '

Tags: Terror watchlist captures at Mexico border crossing,Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders (2023),Biden/Harris Border Legacy,

Oct 29, 2022

The Guarantee Clause and Outright Dereliction of Duty by Commander in Chief Biden

The Guarantee Clause and Outright Dereliction of Duty by Commander in Chief Biden

'The Guarantee Clause requires the United States to guarantee to the states a republican form of government, and provide protection from foreign invasion and domestic violence. ...because protection against invasion or domestic violence is normally available only from Congress and the President, the structure of this section suggests that the political branches have at least the primary duty to carry out its obligations.'

Tags: Foreign Invasion of U.S. Borders and States, Dereliction of Duty by Commander in Chief (2023),Biden/Harris Border Legacy,Article IV Section 4,