Showing posts with label Hamas Joe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamas Joe. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2024

Anti-Semite Biden Regime | Blinken confirms US is still withholding a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel

Blinken confirms US is still withholding a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel

'Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to ratchet up public pressure on the Biden administration over “withholding weapons.” ...The announcement of the hold on the weapons shipment was met with mixed reactions, including strong condemnation from Israeli officials and some US lawmakers of both parties....'

Tags: U.S. Hostages Held in Gaza, Why wont Biden save American Hostages Held in Gaza, Hamas Joe,

May 12, 2024

Great Leader vs. Hamas Joe Biden | Netanyahu vows to defy Biden’s ‘red line’ on Rafah

Netanyahu vows to defy Biden’s ‘red line’ on Rafah

'Israel PM insists his priority is to prevent another terror attack like the October 7 Hamas' Jewish Genocide Massacre ...When asked on Sunday whether Israeli forces would move into Rafah, Netanyahu replied: "We'll go there. We're not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn't happen again. Never happens again." The prime minister was referring to the murderous Hamas raid that killed more than 1,160 people in Israel and triggered the war. Without naming them, Netanyahu claimed he had the tacit support of several Arab leaders for driving ahead with the onslaught against Hamas. “They understand that, and even agree with it quietly...'

Tags: Border Protection by Great Leaders (Netanyahu), Free the Hostages Now!, October 7 2024 Hamas' Jewish Genocide Massacre,