Showing posts with label Poor U.S. Leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poor U.S. Leadership. Show all posts

Mar 29, 2023

Fire Alejandro Mayorkas Now! Ted Cruz Rips Failed, Inept Alejandro Mayorkas (DHS Secretary)

Ted Cruz Rips Into Biden’s DHS Secretary For Refusing To Say There’s A Border Crisis

'...(DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas would not answer Tuesday whether the U.S. southern border is in crisis, prompting Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to decry his record and demand his resignation....'

Senator Cruz Eviscerates Mayorkas Over The Biden Border Crisis
Tags: DHS Secretary,Biden Admin Legacy,Border Crisis 2023,Fire Alejandro Mayorkas Now!,Poor leadership examples,Poor role models,Poor U.S. Leadership,

Mar 25, 2023

Why is America such a joke to the rest of the world now? Liberal madia and poorly elected leadership

Saudi TV airs ‘SNL’-style skit mocking Joe Biden, Kamala Harris

'Joe Biden was portrayed as a hapless buffoon on “SNL” — “Saudi Night Live.”. ...Biden then goes on to shake hands with an American flag before he is guided in the right direction by a startled Harris. This is the second time in the last year that MBC has aired a sketch mocking Biden and Harris...The Democrat party has become the absolute laughing stock of the world.'

Tags: Biden Legacy,Harris Legacy,Poor U.S. Leadership, Saturday Night Live (SNL), Laughing Leaders,