Showing posts with label The First Amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The First Amendment. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2024

Student Suspended and Threatened for Questioning Context of the Word 'Alien' | The student asked his teacher, "like, space aliens or aliens without green cards?” This prompted a classmate to threaten him

NC student, 16, suspended for referring to 'aliens without green cards,' mother says

'...The student received a three-day out-of-school suspension after he requested clarification on a vocabulary assignment in which his teacher provided the term "alien," according to his mother, Leah McGhee. ...The student asked his teacher, "like, space aliens or aliens without green cards?” This prompted a classmate to threaten him'

Tags: Websters Definition of 'Illegal Alien' | The meaning of ILLEGAL ALIEN is a foreign person who lives in a country without having official permission to live there., Student Threatened for Questioning Context of the Word 'Alien', What happened to student that threatened student questioning context/clarification of the word 'alien', Zero tolerance Policy Fails, aliens without green cards

Sep 7, 2016

Trial Opens For Occupiers Of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

Trial Opens For Occupiers Of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

'...In most cases, a) there's some dispute over what actually happened, b) there might be at least some question as to sort of the legality of things that were done, and c) the defendant's goal is to be acquitted or to minimize the charges or to minimize sentencing," Sali says. "Here, most of those things are absent...they were exercising their First and Second Amendment rights...'

Tags: Second Amendment rights, The First Amendment, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation/Protest,

May 18, 2016

What Would Obama Do?

Opinion without an opinion: A short, referenced guide on LGBT rights debate in America

What Would Obama Do?

What is the big deal with accommodating LGBT's in the federal workforce or anywhere for that matter? Obama says 'LGBT rights are human rights’ ...that is the word from Obama. So why is it an issue? The largest argument comes from the religious side of the debate. A christian believer in God often feels that what someone does behind closed doors is their business and are held accountable based on the beliefs of each party. Live and let live! However, what happens when the government infringes upon the religious beliefs of others? This is where the debate occurs. The Bible says, 'If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.' Obviously you can see that when a government forces the lifestyle of others upon those that are opposed to that lifestyle based on their religious convictions, it is going to be a problem. But what does the constitution say about protecting alternative lifestyles or impeding the free exercise of religion. The constitution is clear on impeding the free exercise of religion and spells it out using the specific word 'religion.' The constitution 'prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...' As far as LGBT constitutional right trumping religious freedom, we are at a loss for a reference with the exception of Obama. These are the facts, your opinion is yours, as well as your right to agree with Obama, God, The Constitution, or your own subjectively created cocktail of oil and water. Your support simply lies with what you personally believe within yourself.
