Showing posts with label U.S. Flag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. Flag. Show all posts

May 4, 2024

America Proud | 'We believe in God and Jesus ... we don’t stand for that': Pro-Hamas radicals evacuated from Ole Miss — in face of Old Glory

'We believe in God and Jesus ... we don’t stand for that': Pro-Hamas radicals evacuated from Ole Miss — in face of Old Glory

'Taking a page from the playbook of University of North Carolina fraternity brothers who captured America's heart for protecting a U.S. flag on campus this week amid anti-Israel protests, more than 200 students at the University of Mississippi showed up with U.S. flags and red, white, and blue attire to drown out a much smaller group of pro-Palestinian protesters Thursday. ...“I believe that is just the most important thing for us to do right now is protect everything we stand for,” Ole Miss student Aubrey Grace...Pryce Parker — an Ole Miss student who joined the counter protest — told WHBQ in regard to the pro-Palestinian protesters that "you can’t take over our campus like the campuses in the north. This is a southern campus. We believe in God and Jesus, and we don’t stand for that.”'
