Showing posts with label U.S. Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. Military. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2025

Coast Guard Suffers Data Breach, Pay Delayed for 1,135 Members

Coast Guard Suffers Data Breach, Pay Delayed for 1,135 Members

'Coast Guard’s personnel and payroll system experienced a data breach...Coast Guard Investigative Service and Coast Guard Cyber Command are leading an exhaustive investigation to determine the source and impact of the breach and will ensure it is resolved as soon as possible,” reads the statement. “Concurrently, the Coast Guard Personnel Service Center and Pay and Personnel Center are expediting pay to any impacted Coast Guard members,” reads the statement. “[Service members] also deserve transparency into the causes and resolution ...'

Tags: Coast Guard, Data Breach,2025,

Dec 9, 2022

Biden Admins Compromised U.S. Military: U.S. Navy Lowers Test Standards to Meet Recruitment Numbers

U.S. Navy Lowers Test Standards to Meet Recruitment Numbers

'...About 80 percent of Americans of prime recruiting age are ineligible for military service due to obesity, criminal records and other obstacles, and the remainder have many non-military options to choose from in a robust job market. This year, the Navy needs to convince about 38,000 eligible Americans to enlist, and it is making some headline-grabbing changes in order to do it.  In November, the service raised the maximum enlistment age from 39 to 41, the statutory limit. Effective Monday, it has also told recruiters that it will accept candidates who score well below average on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), the standard test administered in all U.S. military recruiting. ...'

Tags: Biden Legacy,America at Risk Under Biden, U.S. Military,