Jan 12, 2018

IRS Sets Withholding Tables as GOP Pledges Paycheck Increase

IRS Sets Withholding Tables as GOP Pledges Paycheck Increase

'...expressed concern that the new tables would “systematically underwithhold income taxes during the 2018 tax year.” That sort of move would boost workers’ pay before the November 2018 congressional elections but could leave them “owing federal income tax when they file in 2019,” according to a Jan. 8 letter to the Treasury Department from Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon and Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts...'

Reference: www.bloomberg.com
Tags: Withholding Tables, income taxes, 2018 Taxes,

Dec 13, 2017

Treasury Suspends Investment Into Federal Employee Retirement Funds to Avoid Hitting Debt Ceiling

Treasury Suspends Investment Into Federal Employee Retirement Funds to Avoid Hitting Debt Ceiling

'...The two funds are the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF) and the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund. Mnuchin said the government can no longer fully invest in these funds as a way to avoid exceeding the debt ceiling. He noted, however, that once the debt limit is raised, the funds will be made whole again, much along the lines of what is done with the TSP’s G Fund...'

Reference: www.fedsmith.com

Dec 5, 2017

Here's how the Republican tax cuts would actually be felt by regular Americans

Here's how the Republican tax cuts would actually be felt by regular Americans

'...the link between the tax bill and a change in take-home pay may not be obvious to all workers, because lots of other factors can cause take-home pay to change in January. For example, some workers (including federal employees) get annual raises on January 1...'

Reference: www.businessinsider.com

Dec 4, 2017

CSRS & FERS Disability Retirement: Life’s silent opera

CSRS & FERS Disability Retirement: Life’s silent opera

'...For Federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who suffer from a medical condition, such that the medical condition prevents the Federal or Postal worker from performing one or more of the essential elements of the Federal or Postal worker’s job, life’s silent opera begins. It is time to prepare, formulate and file an effective Federal Disability Retirement application, because – while no one acknowledges the “voices” and “sounds” of the medical condition, the “movements” are there, of the Agency beginning to realize less-than-acceptable performance; of using too much SL or extending one’s FMLA and remaining on LWOP...'

Reference: federaldisabilityretirement.wordpress.com

Nov 13, 2017

House bill would eliminate existing federal tax breaks for state and local income or sales taxes

House Won't Accept Repeal of Local Tax Break, Brady Says

'...The House bill would eliminate existing federal tax breaks for state and local income or sales taxes...'

Reference: www.bloomberg.com

Nov 6, 2017

Sen. Rand Paul Recovering From 5 Broken Ribs After Assault

Sen. Rand Paul Recovering From 5 Broken Ribs After Assault

'...trying to figure out why Paul's neighbor, a fellow medical doctor, might allegedly have attacked him with enough force to fracture five ribs. Paul was reportedly tackled while he was mowing the grass at his home in Bowling Green, Ky...'

Reference: www.npr.org

Oct 6, 2017

House Budget is an attack on FERS employees more so than CSRS, cuts G Fund rate, ends SRS, raises employee contributions again

House advances 2018 budget resolution with federal retirement cuts

'...Those reforms would include: Higher employee contributions to the federal defined benefit pension plan; An elimination of supplemental payments to employees who retire before age 62; A switch to a defined contribution pension plan for new federal employees; reduce the G fund’s rate of return in the Thrift Savings Plan...'

Reference: federalnewsradio.com
Tags: destruction of the middle class, Attack on Veterans, The destruction of FERS benefits, CSRS vs FERS,

Sep 13, 2017

Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

'...Security at the State Department's Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks before the 2012 terror attack – and was later pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to two men from the American security company...'

Reference: www.foxnews.com
Tags: State Department, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, Benghazi,

Sep 5, 2017

Help Hillary get richer, read her new book blaming everyone else for her loss

New Clinton book blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race

'...Clinton, in a book that will be released September 12 entitled "What Happened," said Sanders "had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character" because the two Democrats "agreed on so much." "President Obama urged me to grit my teeth and lay off Bernie as much as I could...'

Reference: www.cnn.com
Tags: Victim mentality example,

Jun 28, 2017

Please do not feed the jets!

Flight delayed by woman hurling coins at jet engine

'...passenger saw Qiu behaving strangely around their plane as they boarded -- throwing a handful of coins straight at the jet's engine. She did it, it turns out, with a little prayer for good luck, hoping to bring herself and the other passengers in for a safe landing at their destination...'

Reference: www.cbsnews.com

Jun 20, 2017

With Potential 2017 Federal Job Cuts Looming, OPM Updates Furlough and RIF Guidance

With Potential 2017 Cuts Looming, OPM Updates Furlough and RIF Guidance

'...OPM also issued new guidance on possible reductions in force, titled “Workforce Reshaping Operations Handbook.” The agency put forward the new manual to “provide assistance to agencies that are considering and/or undergoing some times of reshaping (e.g. reorganization, management directed reassignments, furlough, transfer of function, reduction in force.)” The guidance details layoff procedures under federal law and regulations...'

Reference: www.govexec.com
Tags: Federal Employee Furlough, RIF, Workforce Reshaping Operations Handbook,

Jun 14, 2017

Feds: Insurance firm owners bilked postal service

Feds: Insurance firm owners bilked postal service

'...Allan Yiv Chan and Jevelyn Viernes Chan, the owners of Sonic One Insurance Agency in Pleasanton, were named in an indictment handed up by a grand jury in San Jose. They were each charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and three counts of mail fraud. The two allegedly misused the postal service's bulk mail program between 2012 and 2016...'

Reference: www.ktvu.com

May 2, 2017

TRUMP: Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September!

TRUMP: Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September!

'... The president concluded by saying the government should shut down in September to fix the "mess." "Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September to fix mess!" he said...'

Reference: www.businessinsider.com
Tags: Government Shutdown 2017