Apr 11, 2024

Is your vehicle next? Sophisticated illegal thieves are evading auto dealer security, stealing high-end vehicles undetected

$1.2 million in vehicles, including $158,000 truck, 330 keys taken from Alabama auto dealership

'...Someone entered the building by throwing a rock through a window in the service bay, he said. Once inside, police say they turned off security cameras and erased several hours of video footage. Then, according to the dealership, the thieves plugged a computer into the dealership’s key safe and unlocked it. “It looked like they took a laptop and went in there, took control of it, and popped it open and got all the keys,” Anthony said. “These cars are all push-button starts, so they just grab all the keys, throw them in a basket...'

Reference: www.al.com
Tags: Organized Auto Theft, Security Threats,

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