Showing posts with label Harvard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvard. Show all posts

Apr 29, 2024

Pro-Hamas Biden Admin and His 'Islamic Sharia law regime' Sits Idle as Palestine Invades America | Harvard anti-Israel protesters fly Palestinian flag in spot reserved for Stars & Stripes

Harvard anti-Israel protesters fly Palestinian flag in spot reserved for Stars & Stripes

'... “The flags raised by protesters over University Hall were removed by Harvard facilities staff,” the spokesperson told The Post. “The actions are a violation of University policy and the individuals involved will be subject to disciplinary action.”

But online users had even stronger reactions.

“These pro-Hamas protesters’ sole agenda is to eradicate every western value and every basic human right while establishing an Islamic Sharia law regime,” X user Mor Hogeg posted Sunday.

“They are starting with the Jews in Israel as their main objective and will continue with the entire west,” he wrote. “It is not a fight of Israel against Hamas – the fight is between a culture of life and a culture of death. WAKE UP!”...'

Tags: Hamas Rule of America, Biden Admin Sits Idle as Hamas Invades America, Foreign Invasion of America, Pro-Hamas Biden Admin and His 'Islamic Sharia law regime'

Jan 3, 2024

Claudine Gay Resigns as President of Harvard, Yet Gay will return to Harvard faculty

Harvard President Claudine Gay steps down

'Harvard Corporation thanks 30th president for ‘deep and unwavering commitment’ to University. ...Gay will return to the Harvard faculty, where she has served as a professor of government since 2006. ... '

Reference: Harvard Gazette
Tags: Harvard,Plagiarist,Racist,Claudine Gay, Black Privilege, DEI Fails, Antisemitism,Schools that protect plagiarism,

MORE READING: * Report: Harvard's Resigning President
to Keep $900K Payday
* Unfit to lead Good riddance Claudine Gay — you and Harvard only have yourselves to blame for this putrid swamp;

Jan 2, 2024

Democrats Continue to Protect Alleged Harvard Plagiarist President Claudine Gay | Half of Gay’s published works now implicated

Harvard President Claudine Gay Hit With Six New Charges Of Plagiarism

The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California Paperback – June 1, 2001 by Claudine Gay (Author)
'Half of Gay’s published works now implicated in growing scandal pushing the total number of allegations near 50. ...In a 2001 article, Gay lifts nearly half a page of material verbatim from another scholar, David Canon, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin. That article, "The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California," includes some of the most extreme and clear-cut cases of plagiarism yet. At one point, Gay borrows four sentences from Canon’s 1999 book, Race, Redistricting, and Representation: The Unintended Consequences of Black Majority Districts, without quotation marks and with only minor semantic tweaks. She does not cite Canon anywhere in or near the passage...'

Tags: Claudine Gay, Plagiarist, Harvard, Schools that protect plagiarism, DEI Schools,Destruction of America,Quoted without attribution,

MORE READING: Harvard Handbooks: * Writing with Sources | A Guide for Students
* Writing with Sources; A Guide for Harvard Students Paperback – January 1, 1998. by Gordon Harvey