Showing posts with label Schools of Anti-America Extremist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schools of Anti-America Extremist. Show all posts

May 7, 2024

George Washington University President: Pro-Hamas Protesters call for beheadings; Campus Makes Request For Police To Provide Safety

'...GW President Ellen Granberg’s released a statement Sunday denouncing the encampment degeneration over the weekend. Granberg also said the school cannot restore order without the help of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

“The demonstration, like many around the country, has grown into what can only be classified as an illegal and potentially dangerous occupation of GW property,” Gransberg said. “It is also essential to highlight that at no point was this encampment lawful.”... Off to the motherf****** gallows with you too,” the encampment leader said. This mock court was held for GWU’s board of trustees and for the school’s president, shouting for these individuals to be beheaded. “To the guillotine,” protesters said.'

Tags: Anti-Semite Schools, Schools of American Hate, Violent pro-palestine pro-Hamas George Washington University Staff and Students,