2023 Federal Pay Raise and 2023 GS Pay Scale Finalized
'...the federal pay raise for 2023 will be an across-the-board base pay increase of 4.1% ...'
Reference: www.fedsmith.com
News article references and commentary scraped from the web in an effort to inform the federal government worker on Federal Pay, Federal Benefits, Federal Retirement and all information relating to the Federal Workforce.
'...the federal pay raise for 2023 will be an across-the-board base pay increase of 4.1% ...'
'...''According to public records, Mr. Epps has not been charged with anything. No one's explained why a person videoed urging people to go to the Capitol, a person whose conduct was so suspect the crowd believed he was a [federal informant], would magically disappear from the list of people the FBI was looking at,'' Cruz said. ''A lot of Americans are concerned that the federal government deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on Jan. 6,'' Cruz added. ...'
'...President Biden will be asking Congress to approve around $45 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine. This is currently before the Senate to approve and would pass to Congress next year. ...'
'...Border Patrol agents positioned behind the National Guard and state troopers watched the standoff. A Border Patrol spokesperson on site said Border Patrol agents would not process the migrants. Under Title 42, the pandemic-era emergency health order that immigration officials have used to immediately expel migrants, ports of entry are closed to migrants seeking asylum. ...'
'The spending bill includes $410 million “for enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. At least $150 million of the funding is to be used to help Jordan secure its borders. The hundreds of millions of dollars for border security thousands of miles away from the U.S. comes after Republicans and Democrats negotiated a similar plan in March that saw about $370...'
'..."I want to be very clear here. The fact is that the removal of Title 42 does not mean the border is open," Jean-Pierre said. ...Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has declared an invasion, and several of the state's counties near the border had already declared states of emergency, all due to the historic numbers...'
'...About 80 percent of Americans of prime recruiting age are ineligible for military service due to obesity, criminal records and other obstacles, and the remainder have many non-military options to choose from in a robust job market. This year, the Navy needs to convince about 38,000 eligible Americans to enlist, and it is making some headline-grabbing changes in order to do it. In November, the service raised the maximum enlistment age from 39 to 41, the statutory limit. Effective Monday, it has also told recruiters that it will accept candidates who score well below average on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), the standard test administered in all U.S. military recruiting. ...'
'...Griner's high-profile release on Thursday came as U.S. Marine veteran and former Michigan police officer Paul Whelan remains in a Russian prison after four years, and Holt said Friday that leaves questions about the amount of leverage the United States has, that it wasn't able to get Whelan back home as well. Using Griner in the prisoner exchange, Holt added, also sends a message to the "thug states of this world" that if they can seize a high-profile celebrity, they have leverage on the United States, and "we'll see more of this not less."...'
'...with its specific firing pin impression, scrapes and ejector mark invisible to the naked eye — match other cases. An in-house technician then reviews computer-generated matches, and their analysis is double-checked by technicians at a lab in Alabama, he said. Sorrells said about 10% of NIBIN entries nationwide result in a lead. His team reviews about 50 NIBIN leads a week and on average about 10 are viable, he said. Those leads are relayed to local law enforcement or investigated by federal agents. ...'
'...Postal reform legislation may impact the rest of the federal workforce by changing Medicare eligibility and increasing FEHB costs...As is often the case in Congressional bills, the bill’s title does not reveal the real impact of the proposal. In this case, “Postal reform” legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives. The title is accurate but the real impact may be the potential to increase health care premiums for federal employees and retirees enrolled in Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans. The legislation could also turn out to be the first step in removing federal retirees from the FEHB..'
'Chris Magnus, President Joe Biden’s border chief, resigned Saturday, ending a standoff with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who’d threatened to fire Magnus if he didn’t step down. ...'
'...Federal employees planning to retire soon may be salivating at the thought of getting an 8.7% increase in their annuity payments next year. This sounds even more appealing as the 2023 COLA is the largest in about 40 years. Add in that 2023 federal pay raise is likely to be 4.6%, and an 8.7% increase in retirement income sounds very good. However, before you retire at the end of 2022 and...'
'Republican Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan alleged at a press conference Thursday that President Biden was actively involved in overseas business dealings involving his son Hunter. Comer, citing whistleblowers, asserted that the Biden family "flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family." The representatives alleged that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden participated in "waste, fraud, and abuse" in international business dealings. The Republicans are releasing a report Thursday outlining their findings. "This is an investigation of Joe Biden," Comer said. ...'
'Biden reportedly doesn't think anyone in the Democratic party is fit to beat Donald Trump... '
'“In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States.” Moments before his remarks, the 45th president filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission confirming his candidacy. “I will ensure that Joe Biden does not receive four more years...'
'...Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco are taking a hands-off approach in the Hunter Biden investigation...a growing frustration that it is taking so long for a decision to be made in Delaware on whether to bring charges against Hunter Biden. '
Sorry, no creepy dancing from greasy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in this gross display.
'El apoyo al proyecto de ley de gastos Manchin-Schumer podría ser el golpe mortal para los 5 demócratas de la Cámara más vulnerables. ...La protección y seguridad de los legisladores estadounidenses ha sido objeto de escrutinio con el ataque, que se produce antes de las elecciones intermedias del 8 de noviembre.'
'The Guarantee Clause requires the United States to guarantee to the states a republican form of government, and provide protection from foreign invasion and domestic violence. ...because protection against invasion or domestic violence is normally available only from Congress and the President, the structure of this section suggests that the political branches have at least the primary duty to carry out its obligations.'
From the article: "...Following the final fairness hearing, prospective participants will still have until Dec. 23 to join the lawsuit, after which the validity of each claim will be assessed. Assuming there are no appeals, payouts to claimants are expected to take place in the first or second quarter of next year. Under terms of the settlement, each claimant is entitled to a minimum of $700 per claim, up to a maximum of $10,000 per claim. ...Following the breach, OPM contracted with credit monitoring company ID Experts to provide monitoring services to victims of the breach. ...For more information on the settlement or the claims process, please visit www.opmdatabreach.com, which is the website was established consistent with the terms of the settlement agreement. "
'Arizona is balking at a White House demand to remove shipping containers the state’s Republican governor ordered double-stacked along the Mexico border because they were not cleared for use on federal land. The US Bureau of Reclamation informed state officials last week that using the containers to plug gaps in the border wall near Yuma violates federal law...'
'The Biden administration on Friday demanded that Arizona remove several dozen shipping containers that the state placed...The bureau requested that the state remove the 80 shipping containers on its lands near Morelos Dam and another 42 containers on tribal lands, as well as halt the addition of new containers to federal or Indian trust lands.'
'...why people quit their jobs in 2021. The main drivers, according to Pew, were lack of respect at work, no opportunities for growth, and undesirable pay. The 2021 Merit Principles Survey asked federal employees about the three issues Pew identified as well as respondents’ intentions regarding quitting their jobs. ...'
'“We have twenty-seven Republican attorney generals right now that need to be authorizing raids against all the RICO operations of the criminals in the Democrat Party.”...They raid Donald Trump's home. Well, why don't you go raid BLM for burning down a billion dollars worth of property in the summer of 2020? They raid Donald Trump, why don't you go raid Planned Parenthood for all of their, let's just say, very revealing crimes that was revealed five or six years ago on camera. They raid Donald Trump. Why does George Soros get away with everything he's doing funding attorney generals offices?'
'...Participants in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) will see a significantly larger increase to their health premium costs in 2023, compared with the last few years. ...'
'It is shocking how many Americans are losing ground every month...Americans are facing the steepest pay cut in 25 years, according to a new report by the Dallas Federal Reserve.'...they are skipping meals. They’re dipping into their savings. Seventy percent say they’re looking for extra work to find a way to somehow make ends meet. “We’ve got a lot of Americans who decided to delay their own retirement because they don’t know how to make it in Joe Biden’s very cruel economy. The president is doing nothing about reducing those crushing prices.”
Polling paints a grim picture for the Biden administration as 62 percent disapprove of the president’s handling of the economy, while 69 percent say the White House’s Covid messaging has been confusing. And, US party preferences appear to have shifted...
'...Joe Biden called an Iowa voter a “damn liar” and challenged him to a push-up competition Thursday in New Hampton, Iowa, after the man accused Biden of improper dealings with Ukraine. ...'
'...American Radio personality Chris Stigall also reposted a clip of Biden's comment, writing "I didn't know Corn Pop was Puerto Rican."...The name "Corn Pop" is in reference to a story that Biden had been continuously mocked for in the past, in which the president supposedly fought off a gang leader in Wilmington, Delaware, named Corn Pop after Biden broke the rules at an all-black pool.'
'The ingenious plan of former Trump adviser Stephen Miller is for Republicans to focus attention on Biden’s border crisis by refusing to pass the bill without an amendment to deal with the invasion at the southern border. They also must ensure the continuing resolution expires by February so an incoming Republican majority will not be handcuffed next year'
'...Voter turnout also increased as age, educational attainment and income increased. Voter turnout was highest among those ages 65 to 74 at 76.0%, while the percentage was lowest among those ages 18 to 24 at 51.4%...'
'With a significant differential between a COLA and pay raise in 2022 and 2023, many federal employees are likely to retire. Here is why. ...this is a good time to retire, there could be a retirement exodus. Most of these 325,000 can retire when they decide to leave. 100% more than when tsunami first predicted. ...Why Projections May Not be Accurate'
'In tone and substance, the speech was the polar opposite of Biden’s inaugural address just 20 months ago. Then he pledged to bring the country together, using “unity” or similar words 15 times, as in this sequence: “My whole soul is in this: bringing America together, uniting our people, and uniting our nation.” ...'
'...US employers added 315,000 new jobs in August, far fewer than in July, as fears rise that the labour market is heading for a slowdown. The jobless rate rose to 3.7% from 3.5%, according to the figures from the US Labor Department....'
'Billionaire George Soros claimed the policies by the soft-on-crime district attorneys he supported are "popular." ...Billionaire George Soros, who’s funneled millions to district-attorney candidates that promise to keep criminals out of prison...He sees policing as something harmful that needs to be addressed. ...lawbreakers pay no price for their actions.'
'...That letter in almost all cases has repeated the raise proposal the President originally made in the early-year budget message to Congress—in this case for 4.6 percent....'
'...Trump said the search at his home amounted to "prosecutorial misconduct," that "such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries" and the U.S. is now "corrupt at a level not seen before." "I'm telling you, you're playing with fire," Rubio said. "This is dangerous, because someone else will be in power one day, and now you have created the precedent for them to do this back to you. ...'
'...If that happens, it will be the first time the COLA has reached double digits since it hit 11.2% in 1982, according to the Social Security Administration. This year’s COLA of 5.9% is the highest since 1981. As recently as last year the COLA was only 1.3%. If inflation runs “hot” — or higher than the recent average — the 2023 COLA could be 11.4%, said Mary Johnson, the Senior Citizens League’s Social Security and Medicare policy analyst. That would be the second-highest COLA since the SSA began ...'
'...Border authorities registered more than 239,000 encounters in May, as a growing number of migrants from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, as well as Russia and Ukraine, sought to enter the country...'
'...The Postal Service reform legislation that President Biden signed into law on April 6 will involve changes to employees’ health and retirement benefits. USPS understands that employees have many questions, so here are a few things...'
'...Unfortunately, you may get a busy signal or unintentionally disconnected from your call while you are speaking with or are on hold for a representative...'
'...The financial disclosures contain a wealth of previously unknown information. For example, the Fauci household’s net worth exceeds $10.4 million...'
'...The Postal Service Reform Act repeals the burdensome 2006 mandate for the USPS to prefund its retiree healthcare benefits and aligns retiree healthcare with the best practices in the private sector that lower premiums for NPMHU members and our fellow postal employees as well as safeguarding benefits. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the legislation will save the federal government over $1.5 billion over the next ten years. ...'
'...WASHINGTON — Federal employees and military service members would receive average raises of 4.6 percent next January under...'
'...Black and Brown employees of federal contractors are expected to see as much as $3,500 per year in pay increases due to a Biden Administration executive order that took effect on Sunday. Many federal contractors who...'
'...The company can't blame the hike on financial hardship, at least. Amazon's net profit jumped nearly 57 percent in 2021 to $33.4 billion — the lingering COVID-19 pandemic has been good for Amazon's core shopping business....'
New Year. New Law. Beginning January 1, 2022, new federal protections will shield millions of consumers from surprise medical bills. Surprise medical bills – unexpected bills from an out-of-network provider, out-of-network facility or out-of-network air ambulance provider – is common among those with private insurance. Nearly one in five patients who go to the emergency room, have an elective surgery, or give birth in a hospital receive surprise bills, with average costs ranging from $750 to $2,600 per episode.
Learn about how the No Surprises Act can protect you from surprise medical billing. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
'...This report describes recent trends in the characteristics of annuitants and current employees covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS) as well as the financial status of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF). ...'
'...President Biden pushing a radical plan to overhaul elections is nothing but a "power grab." "This is nothing but a power grab to take the right at the constitutional authority of states to manage their own elections, and it's a federal takeover of our elections...'
'...Inflation is soaring, and voters blame President Biden. A Morning Consult poll in late October showed 62 percent of registered voters believe Biden’s policies are to blame for rising prices on everything from turkeys to gasoline to apartment rents. Guess what? They should. ...'
'...The underlying issue is that while an individual’s locality pay rate is based on the location of the official duty station, for nearly two years many federal employees have been working exclusively, or nearly so, from other places—in some cases where the locality pay rate is lower, yet they continue to receive the higher rate. ...'
'...New data shows an uptick in errors...'
'...counseled federal employees who are completing their retirement applications and getting ready to transition from employee to annuitant, there are some important reminders I make sure to tell them. Here are the top three pro tips that every retiring federal employee should know:...'
'..."It's a group formed from several of us sheriffs all across the country," Arnott told the News-Leader. "It's a grassroots organization that is basically telling the American citizens that we need to stand up and that the sheriff is the last line of defense." The group is headed by Mark Lamb...'
'...“This is a real concern because what this is going to do is it is going to increase the number of infections because people are going to come back and they are still infectious,” said Sara Nelson, the President of the Association for Flight Attendants. “There’s no way of confirming they are not because there aren’t testing protocols. This is going to perhaps give a short-term relief to the staffing of these flights over this holiday season. But a long-term extension of the pandemic because of the change in policy.”...'
'...During the interview on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” host Margaret Brennan asked her about the one national security threat that keeps her up at night worrying. “Frankly, one of them is our democracy. ...'